
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies

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Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies杂志中文介绍


Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies杂志英文介绍

The purpose of JLOS is to publish research aimed at helping us understand and predict effective leadership – leadership of people, groups, and organizations. JLOS continuously renews and reinvigorates leadership scholarship, practice and policy by promoting forward thinking scholarship. While leadership in organizations can be informal, it occurs in the context of people holding and acting within the scope of formal positions of management. Thus we seek to advance research that has clear functional value to managers and leaders across organizations and cultures. JLOS serves to promote scholarship that asks and/or seeks answers to grand questions, embraces paradox, addresses key fissures in scholarly and practical knowledge, and that challenges traditions, paradigms, and the status quo to create jolts and discontinuous growth in the learning curve of the field of leadership and management.

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